Writing by Effy Phillips | Multiple Platforms

Dillo Day lyrics you need to know

The following is a short excerpt from the article which was originally published on North by Northwestern’s website in May 2016. To read the full article, click here.

The Mowgli’s

This group’s music can most accurately be summed up with two words: good vibes. According to their website, The Mowgli’s wants their music to be more than just music. “I want it to be a positive transformative experience,” said Colin Dieden, one of the group’s seven members. “It’s almost like falling in love.” They sing about positivity, love and happiness, and they’ll leave you with nothing but smiles as you hear the recognizable lyrics:

Oh, I can't get you off of my mind/ And I think that it's alright/ Cause looking back/ I'm falling in love with you every single night (“Summertime”)

I'm good, I'm good, I'm good/ Living life just like I should/ Wouldn't change it if I could (“I’m Good”)

You know that love is strong enough,/ I’ve seen time tell tales about that systematic drug,/ Yeah that heart that beats as one/ It’s collectively/ Unconsciously composed (“San Francisco”)

Effy Phillips