Writing by Effy Phillips | Multiple Platforms

How To Look Cool Without Buying Anything New

The following is a short excerpt from the article which was originally published on Medium in August 2019. It was selected by the Medium editorial team for distribution in the style section. To read the full article, click here.

In the past year, the term “fast” fashion began popping up on Instagram feeds and YouTube videos everywhere. Fast fashion is simply a catch-all term for cheap, trendy clothing made by large retailers at an incredible speed. Some brands that fall into this category that you might know are Zara, the now-bankrupt Forever 21, and H&M.

I don’t see it as a coincidence that the rise of sustainable, or “slow”, fashion came at the same time alternative meat and clean labels rose in popularity. As the long-ignored Generation Z begins to overtake the U.S. economy, their difference in values from previous generations are already shifting the balance. In comparison to older generations, including Millenials, Gen Z is a group that puts their money where their feelings are.

Effy Phillips