Writing by Effy Phillips | Multiple Platforms

Why Do You Need to Know What Race I Am?

The following is a short excerpt from the article which was originally published on Medium in August 2019. The article was selected by the Medium editorial team to be distributed in the Race section. To read the full article, click here.

The climate of the world is shifting. Race is everywhere you look, from the presidential election, to the Black Lives Matter movement, to high fashion.

For me, the topic of race has always been personally relevant. I am mixed, half Black and half white. My POC status is something you know as soon as you look at me, even if you can’t quite put a name to it. When I compare my mother’s pale skin and blue eyes with my tan skin and hazel eyes but see our similarities, I am reminded of a Beyonce lyric that goes, “You desperately want to look like her. You look nothing like your mother. You look everything like your mother.”

Effy Phillips